Best Six Security Applications that can protect your business and home computers
Cyber crime is increasingly becoming a global threat and much more a headache to the smaller businesses and start ups for whom investing in expensive cyber security tool can add up their overall expenses.
When security researchers were interviewed to recommend the best security tool that can be used as prevention against the Cybercrime and also protect their brands, the researchers said that it is difficult for them to pin point at any one tool to be the most secured when it comes to cyber security.
Ron Woerner, director of CyberSecurity Studies at Bellevue University said: “There is no ‘one and best’ security tool. It really depends on the situation, circumstance, and personal preference. There are certain things all network, IT, and security professionals should have in their tool bag. The most important is knowledge; i.e., where to learn more about a particular topic, technique, or tool. It’s impossible to know everything; so focus on where to get quality instruction and information.”
Thus in this article we have given Top 6 Security tools which small businesses and start up firms can take benefit of, as per their needs for protecting their essential business data against Cybercrime.
VirusTotal (free online service to analyze and detect all kinds of malware on the web) :
VirusTotal, this is a free online tool that can scan files and URLs for all kinds of malwares such as viruses, worms, trojans that might be hidden in the small business website or any personal website. Usually, the cyber crooks such as hackers or attackers try to find and exploit the most accessible and unpatched websites that are exposed on the internet and then they attack the website with malware.
VirusTotal is a subsidiary of Google and it has a vast data reserve of the various malicious content that has been already detected by multiple virus engines along with the URL analysis tools and website scanners. VirusTotal also provides various methods for file uploads, scan the websites and also has free public Application Programming Interface (API) that would help the user with automated connectivity to the service.
Users needs to remember that this security tool can be used as an additional security and should not be used as a replacement to the existing security product like the anti virus software, the service also warns users that this software should not be used for any commercial or malicious purposes.
Tripwire SecureScan (Scans the internal vulnerability):
A free security tool and can be easily set up in a matter of few minutes. The most essential requirement here would be set up a computer on the internal network that is used to scan other systems on the network.
SecureScan basically scans up to 100 endpoints on the internal network with the aim of finding vulnerabilities on the internal network and then it also provides the required guidance in case if finds any issues during the scan. User can schedule the scans as per their needs and it can be weekly or monthly.
Secunia PSI (Personal Software Inspector)
The Secunia Personal Software Inspector (PSI) is a free security scanner, it basically identifies the programs that are insecure and needs update. Further up dation of a majority of the programs is automated in this tool due to which it becomes a lot easier to maintain the security of the computer.
Detecting any insecure programs and downloading the required patches as well as re installation of these programs is all done automatically due to which it reduces any user interaction. On the other hand, suppose the security tool detects some fault in the program; however if it cannot automatically update the patches, then it provides user with detailed instructions for updating the program when available. In such cases, users would just need to click the appropriate icon in the ‘Results window’ and follow the on-screen instructions to install the latest patches.
This security tool is not available for free of cost in case of smaller businesses. However, the smaller businesses can explore Corporate Software Inspector (CSI) which can be used for vulnerability scanning and patch management.
Microsoft Security Compliance Manager (Securing the system configuration):
Security Compliance Manager (3.0) is a free tool from Microsoft Solution Accelerator team. This tool helps to configure Windows workstation, server and Cloud systems. In all, it is a sort of centralized security. It is easy to use and a little bit of technical knowledge can give more benefit to the users.
The tool includes some of the ready to deploy baselines or policies which are based on Microsoft Security guide recommendations as well as the best industry practices. Once the tool has been set up it can be used to supervise any kind of alternations done to the baseline and also help the user to address any compliance requirements and security threats.
For users who want to try out the advanced tools they can import and export the settings that can be used for enterprise tools such as System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) and Group Policy Object (GPO) deployments. In short, users can take advantage of Microsoft security professionals by using the SCM tool which will reduce their time as well as money that is required to maintain the security of their essential data from the cyber crooks.
So if an organization is in need of centralized IT environment that is not only secured but also reliable and provide proper functionality then SCM would be the best answer.
Qualys SSL Server Test (Analyse configuration of SSL web server):
SSL security threats are increasing day by day and hence it is essential for the start up firms and small businesses to ensure the SSL certificates and server configurations of their website is updated and secured. The free security tool SSL Server Test has been designed by Qualys.
Businesses can use this tool to scan their business website and detect any SSL vulnerabilities such as weak authentication, insecure protocols, outdated certificates and weak cipher sites. Basically, this free online tool conducts an in depth analysis of the configuration of any SSL web server on the public internet. Users can get the free Qualys SSL Server .
Splunk Light (Log searches and analysis):
Splunk Light is a comprehensive solution for smaller IT environments and it has been designed for log search and analysis. The product can be used for free of cost up to 500 MB per day. The tool has been designed such that it can gather real time log data from the company’s distributed systems in one place so as to enable powerful search queries, dynamic alerts and reporting dash board for real time analysis, thus enabling speedy and skillful troubleshooting attributes to this tool.