Monday, 24 August 2015

Happy 20th Birthday, Windows 95! Thanks for Changing the Computing Forever

windows-95-bill-gatesThe advent of Windows 95 meant a boom for the desktop PCs. Then, with an easier and more immersive graphical user interface, Bill Gates aimed to make PC a household device and change the world. It wasn’t the first version of Windows and people had seen many other iterations before. But, Windows 95 had an extraordinary impact on people and Windows 95 still has a cult fan following.
Windows 95 introduced the Start Menu- a feature absent in Windows 10- that became the chief reason for the failure of Windows 8. Today, we all know that the Start Button is the heart and soul of a Windows OS that navigates you through programs and various commands. All the subsequent versions of Windows carried this button, except Windows 8.
On its website, Microsoft writes about Windows 95:
This is the era of fax/modems, email, the new online world, and dazzling multimedia games and educational software. Windows 95 has built-in Internet support, dial-up networking, and new Plug and Play capabilities that make it easy to install hardware and software. The 32-bit operating system also offers enhanced multimedia capabilities, more powerful features for mobile computing, and integrated networking.
Do you remember the hour-long instructional video produced by Microsoft that started Mattew Perry and Jennifer Aniston (Chandler and Rachel from Friends)? Take a look.

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