According to the latest report from AppleInsider, Samsung has finally agreed to pay Apple $548,176,477 after they lost the famous iPhone-Galaxy patent dispute. The Korean company was sued by Apple in 2012 for infringing smartphone patents by copying the iPhone design.
Back then, Apple took the route of courts and asked for $2.5 billion in damages and was awarded about $1 billion. In the further proceedings, the amount was whittled down to $930 million and ultimately $548 million.
Notably, Samsung’s earliest Galaxy phones looked a lot like iPhones and it fueled this court case. Later, Samsung made its lineup more diverse and it’s latest flagship Galaxy S6 Edge is an example of a radical redesign.
Samsung has confirmed that if Apple sends an invoice before this weekend, it’ll pay Apple $548 million before December 14th, according to the local Korea time.
Well, the story doesn’t end here. If the judgement is reversed at the later stage, Samsung reserves the right to reimburse the payments. The further damages in the Apple vs. Samsung case will be decided later in 2016.
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