Samsung India, as expected, on Thursday launched its Gear S2 smartwatch in India. Priced at Rs. 24,300, the smartwatch will be available via Samsung physical retail channels starting Thursday. Apart from the Gear S2, Samsung also launched the Gear S2 Classic edition, priced at Rs. 25,800.
The South Korean company at the same event also announced the availability details of the Gear VR headset, which has been priced at Rs. 8,200. It will also go on sale starting Thursday. The Tizen OS-based smartwatches will be available online exclusively via Flipkart.
The Samsung Gear S2 is the company's first Samsung smartwatch with circular design. The company at the event stressed that the rotating bezel is a highlight of the new wearable as it will allow users to easily access all required information. Additionally, the new smartwatch sports the Home and Back buttons.
To refresh, the Samsung Gear S2 and Gear S2 Classic smartwatches feature a 1.2-inch circular Super Amoled display with a screen resolution of 360x360 pixels and a pixel density of 302ppi. The new wearables are powered by a dual-core 1GHz processor. Tizen OS-based smartwatch comes with 512MB of RAM and 4GB of storage. Both are IP68-certified which means the Samsung Gear S2 and Gear S2 Classic are dust and water resistant. They also feature accelerometer, gyroscope, heart rate, ambient light, and barometer sensor. The smartwatch supports wireless charging and pack a 250mAh battery with a typical usage of 2-3 days.
To recall, Samsung initially detailed its new Gear S2 smartwatch ahead of IFA. At the event, Samsung however revealed more details about the new Gear S2 apart from the Gear S2 Classic smartwatches, including the prices.
The Gear S2 works with Android devices running Android 4.4 and above and with the devices that sport more than 1.5GB of RAM. The company recently announced that the Tizen-Based Gear S2 will soon be compatible with iOS devices as well.
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